• 1 Percent Better Every Day – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • 1 Percent Better Every Day – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • 1 Percent Better Every Day – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • All of us have goals and aspirations, and perfect versions of ourselves that we imagine. We all want to have better abs, better teeth, more confidence, and more money. And every now and then, we get sick of just “wanting” those things and we endeavor to do something about it. We approach our goals in the completely the wrong way. We…
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  • A Beginners Guide to Visualization – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • A Beginners Guide to Visualization – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • A Beginners Guide to Visualization – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Our brains are supercomputers that are specially designed to help us to accomplish our goals and to survive in the world. It is constantly processing the information surrounding us and the things and people that we encounter on a day to day basis. By harnessing the power of our minds and learning how to tap into it so that we…
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  • Attitude of Gratitude – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Attitude of Gratitude – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Attitude of Gratitude – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can provide you with a number of benefits and can really transform your life for the better. Making the transition to a gratitude-based life is going to require knowledge, application and persistence. Practicing gratitude daily is very important. Gratitude will make you more optimistic and happier in your life.
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  • Awaken Your True Calling – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Awaken Your True Calling – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Awaken Your True Calling – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Too many people these days are feeling lost, and that something is missing in their life. They feel like they want to make a more significant difference in the world, but don't know where to start. More and more people are searching for their true calling and purpose in life, but suffer tremendous inner turmoil while they do it
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  • Become the Best Version of Yourself – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
  • Biohacking Secrets – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Biohacking Secrets – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Biohacking Secrets – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • 'Biohacking Secrets' is made for those who want to 'hack' their mind & body with the use of modern technology to improve their quality of life! Biohacking is about optimizing your life & body through the use of biology, research & technology -- allowing you to increase your energy, enhance your focus, and boost your performance. This life-changing blueprint contains…
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  • Born to Succeed – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Born to Succeed – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Born to Succeed – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • In today’s 24/7 connected, digital world, we’re constantly bombarded with images of our friends and family’s success. It seems like everyone you know is showing off what they have and how they got it. While a majority of us know what we want to accomplish in life, most of us don’t quite know how to accomplish our goals and achieve…
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  • Breaking Bad Habits – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Breaking Bad Habits – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Breaking Bad Habits – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Your habits define you as a person and they are responsible for all the things that you have and do not have in your life right now. It is not going to be an easy journey as breaking habits you have had for a long time is going to be tough. Getting rid of your bad habits will totally liberate…
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  • Bridging the Gap – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Bridging the Gap – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Bridging the Gap – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • This powerful guide will provide you with everything you need to finally get rid of negative or destructive beliefs and start living the life you want. Within this guide you will discover how to to create happiness everyday of your life and also what not to do leading to stress and anxiety.
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  • Bulletproof Mind – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Bulletproof Mind – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Bulletproof Mind – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Bulletproof mind is the blueprint that was born out of that epiphany moment. It contains all my tried and tested strategies that will literally transform you into a man of steel, bulletproofing your mind against all your adversities, and achieve your goals at the same time. Be it your career, relationships and health, finance… With this, you'll be able to…
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  • Bulletproof Motivation – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Bulletproof Motivation – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Bulletproof Motivation – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • In Bulletproof Motivation you will learn precisely how to tap into your motivation – such that you find everything becomes easier. You’ll be healthier, stronger, happier, more confident, wealthier, more successful… All because you know how and when to put in the work. You’ll learn about the hormones, the physiological changes, and how to hack those processes to go after…
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  • Choose to Lead – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Choose to Lead – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Choose to Lead – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Leadership used to mean a position or a role in a hierarchy. Today, leadership is more of a skill than a role. You can be in a leadership role and have absolutely no expertise in leadership. With this ebook you will learn the secret to become a great leader in your life. You will learn how to develop your leadership skills,…
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  • Conquering Fear – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Conquering Fear – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Conquering Fear – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • >>> YOU CAN SELL THIS E-BOOK AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT AND KEEP 100% OF THE PROFITS FOR YOURSELF!!! <<< Discover the secrets to overcoming fear and living courageously stop worrying and start living with passion. Do you want to conquer fear? Do you wish you dared to go after your biggest dreams? Many are paralyzed by fears and…
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  • Coping with Stress – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Coping with Stress – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Coping with Stress – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Stress management has become something that we need to use as a survival mechanism. We have so many responsibilities and things to remember that stress seems to become just second nature to most of us. Stress can be one of the biggest things to hold us back but if we learn positive coping mechanisms for our stressors, then we can easily…
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  • Daily Habit Hacks – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Daily Habit Hacks – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Daily Habit Hacks – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • According to researchers at Duke University, your habits account for approximately 40 percent of your behaviors on any given day. In essence, your life is nothing more than the sum of your habits. Whether you have good or bad habits, they can drastically affect your life. When it comes to bad habits in your life, they can have an adverse effect…
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  • Disabling Distraction – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Disabling Distraction – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Disabling Distraction – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • >>> YOU CAN SELL THIS E-BOOK AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT AND KEEP 100% OF THE PROFITS FOR YOURSELF!!! <<< Here's how to skyrocket your productivity and effectiveness. Get ready to be laser-focused and live a distraction-free life! Do you want to be more focused and attentive? Do you wish that you could be more productive and complete your…
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  • Disconnect to Reconnect – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Disconnect to Reconnect – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Disconnect to Reconnect – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • There’s no doubt that technological advancements, especially the internet, has made the world a better place. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have made the world a global village where online social interactions occur. Nonetheless, this blessing is a curse for many people. Many people are battling social media addiction today, such that they are anxious when they don’t have access to their…
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  • Doom Scrolling – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Doom Scrolling – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Doom Scrolling – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Bad news has always been around, of course. But why is it having such an impact on our mental health lately—and what can we do about it? With this report you will learn about the practice of doomscrolling (otherwise called doomsurfing), how it may be impacting your mental health, and what you can do to replace this negative habit with…
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  • Everything You Need to Know About Stress Management – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
  • Fast Learner Blueprint – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Fast Learner Blueprint – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Fast Learner Blueprint – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • >>> YOU CAN SELL THIS E-BOOK AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT AND KEEP 100% OF THE PROFITS FOR YOURSELF!!! <<< Discover the secrets to mastering any skill at lightning speed. Stand out and stay ahead of the competition. Do you want to be more focused and attentive? Do you want to master new skills faster? Do you wish that…
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  • Finding Balance – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Finding Balance – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Finding Balance – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • >>> YOU CAN SELL THIS E-BOOK AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT AND KEEP 100% OF THE PROFITS FOR YOURSELF!!! <<< For many people, there never seem to be enough hours in the day. They may spend all day at work and then need to bring it home with them, working late into the night. Discover how to Find Balance…
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  • Focus – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Focus – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Focus – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Between the busy world and constantly beeping cell phone in your pocket, it may seem impossible to stay focused throughout the day. Although it certainly is a challenge to stay focused in this noisy and distracted world, it's not impossible. With the proper guidance and time management tips, you can learn helpful techniques for staying focused, even when the world…
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  • Gain Mental Clarity – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Gain Mental Clarity – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Gain Mental Clarity – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • The human body can only handle a limited amount of stress, beyond which, can make it hard for you to function normally. While it is reasonable to experience some level of stress, when it becomes chronic, it can leave you feeling anxious, depressed, and with an inability to focus on our goals. Having a cluttered mind can get in the…
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  • Get Motivated for Success – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Get Motivated for Success – eBook with Resell Rights Quick View
    • Get Motivated for Success – eBook with Resell Rights

    • $12.00
    • Everyone wants to find a way to become more motivated so that they can find success in all areas of their life. Unfortunately, motivation can be a tricky thing not only to find but maintain. There are so many things in our lives that can quickly kill our motivation and leave us wondering why we aren’t able to accomplish everything…
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